FAJR6:25AM |
ASR4:15PM |
ISHA8:00PM |
Jumu'ah 112:15 PM |
Instructors: Dr. Umar Faruq Abd-Allah & Shaykh Hamzah Maqbul REGISTER AT: bayarea.darulqasim.org/register Registration Deadline February 17th, 2013 Seating is Limited Friday Class, After Isha: Islamic Center of Fremont (Irvington) HOW TO READ THE SIRAH This course will elaborate three components of the Sirah that are indispensable if we are to present our Prophet (s) as a paragon for Islam in our times. Saturday, Feb 23, 2013 10 am-5 pm MCC EAST BAY INTRODUCTION TO THEOLOGY This class will explore the content and structure of Islamic belief, as elaborated by Muslim classical thinkers. Special attention will be given to the origins and growth of the discipline of Kalâm and its interaction with the other major religious disciplines of Sunni Islam. The Muslim creed will be analyzed more theoretically in its major components. Sunday, Feb 24, 2013 10 am-3 pm MCC EAST BAY THE INNER DIMENSIONS OF ISLAM This class will discuss the essence of the inner dimensions of Islam and refinement of the soul as one of the essential teachings of the religion. |