Father Son I’tikaaf
Father Son I’tikaaf – Bonding Through Worship
Held at SBIA Downtown (325 N. 3rd St, San Jose, CA)
Friday, January 15th, 2010
Salat ul Isha – Salat ul Fajr
Dinner & Breakfast Provided
“Whoever Observes i’tikaaf for one day seeking thereby the Face of Allah, Allah will place between him and the Fire three ditches wider than the distance between the east and the west” (al-Tabarrani, al-Haakim and al-Bayhaqi)
Inspirational Talks:
“I’tikaaf of the Prophet (saw)” By Imam Tahir Anwar
“The Power of Dua” by Guest Speaker
Please register by
Tuesday, Jan 12th by
emailing events@sbia.info. Please provide (1) Father/Uncle/Elder Brother’s name. (2) Son’s name and age. Sons must be at least 11 years old or in 6th grade to participate.