Fitra is $10 / Person
General donations towards Sadaqah, Constructions Fund, Fitra, etc.
SBIA strictly seperates Zakat collections and distribution. Please use this form for Zakat-only donations.
Recordable donations (donations that are made using personal checks, electronic payments, or other means that clearly indicate donor’s name and address) may be substituted for your annual membership due as long as they are for SBIA operating funds or SBIA’s asset-related (e.g. – land or building) projects, but not your zakat donations.
For Checks Payable to SBIA:
Mail to SBIA 2345 Harris Way, San Jose, CA 95131
For Stocks: Please email
SBIA has three major areas of expenses as it moves forward in 2020: (Please note that SBIA does not use zakat funds for its expenses)
As SBIA continues to carry a Shariah compliant loan on the property, we request your assistance in paying it off so that future generations can benefit from the facility debt-free.
There are some upgrade costs remaining with the new musalla that we need the community’s support for. Further, we will InshaAllah, embark on the Phase-2 construction of the 2 nd floor (new classrooms, restrooms,
wudu area) in the coming year.
As we grow, so do our expenses. We wish to thank you all for your generous contributionsthat allow us to continue providing high-quality programs that benefit the community.
SBIA is a non-profit charitable organization under section 501 (c) (3) of the IRS code. Tax ID: 94-2683384. Your contribution is tax-deductible (consult with your tax advisor).