FAJR6:10AM |
ASR6:00PM |
ISHA9:00PM |
Jumu'ah 11:15 PM |
Updated on Apr. 5, 2020.
While our lives seem to be on pause during the SARS-Cov-2 Coronavirus outbreak, work continues behind the scenes at SBIA.
Musalla Update It has been a while since we communicated information to you regarding the status of the Musalla project, so we wanted to provide you with an overview on what work has been done, why there has been a lull in activity, and what you can expect in the near future, Insha Allah.
The construction project commenced on December 22, 2018 and work continued without delay until April 25, 2019. The reason for the work stoppage was that we needed to have an inspection done by the City of San Jose, as we could not proceed without a Fire Sprinkler permit. Following the permit receipt, we then had work done on installing the stairwell, which begins just to the right of the foyer and ends at the back of the prayer area. On July 12, 2019, work again needed to be stopped because of the need to achieve a new Fire Alarm permit that was requested by the City. The city issued this permit on February 26, 2020 and no work could be done during this time frame. Work resumed at the end of February, but was halted as soon as the shelter-in-place order was issued by the County of Santa Clara. InshaAllah, we hope to resume work soon To this point, we have completed the following work:We have captured the work done over the past 18 months in a short 2-minute video that will indicate the progress made thus far. InshaAllah, the work will be completed in the coming months.
This progress would not have been possible without the Grace of Allah ﷻ and the generosity of our community. SBIA is grateful for your assistance and looks forward to your continued support as we start our services in the new musalla of Masjid al-Mustafa.