March 28, 2025 | Ramadan 28, 1446
These times are based on San Jose, California.


5:48AM - 6:58AM


1:14PM - 5:39PM


5:39PM - 7:29PM




8:40PM - 5:48AM
Jumu'ah 1

1:15 PM

Jumu'ah 2 at: 2:30PM


SBIA does not provide its own funeral services. We recommend contacting one of the two below mentioned local mosques for funeral arrangements.

Funeral Arrangements by MCA

In the unfortunate event of death of a family member or friend, the Muslim Community Association provides complete Islamic funeral arrangements including:

  • Obtaining a death certificate and burial permit.
  • Arrangements for storing a body.
  • Ghusl (washing) before burial.
  • Janaza (funeral) prayer.
  • Transportation to a burial ground.
  • Acquiring a burial plot at a number of cemeteries.

Only one phone call is required to initiate this process:

More Details at MCA >

Funeral Arrangements by ISEB

The Islamic Society of East Bay (ISEB) has contracted the Duggan’s Funeral Service to provide the following

  • Arrange for removal of the deceased
  • Transport the deceased to the Mosque
  • Obtain required legal documents to allow for the burial of the deceased
  • Transport the deceased to the final resting place
  • Provide death certificate
  • For unnatural death, work with the local coroner’s office
  • Embalm in unusual case

In order to quickly process a funeral, Please follow the steps of Filling and submitting the Funeral Paper work. For any questions or details about the Funeral, please contact one of the following

  1. Imam Siraj Desai (510) 943 9600
  2. Br. Abdur Rehman (510) 366 5205
  3. Sr.Rehana Markar (510) 683 9701
More Details at ISEB >