March 13, 2025 | Ramadan 13, 1446
These times are based on San Jose, California.


6:12AM - 7:21AM


1:18PM - 5:29PM


5:29PM - 7:15PM




8:25PM - 6:12AM
Jumu'ah 1

1:15 PM

Jumu'ah 2 at: 2:30PM

SBIA Family Night

7:00 PM: Dinner
8:00 PM: Magrib prayer
8:15 PM: Presentation
9:15 PM: Isha prayer

Speaker: Dr. Saiful Islam, 
Postdoctoral Research Scholar at Stanford University Genetics Dept

This presentation will try to answer:

  • Why some children look very similar to their father or mother?
  • Why most children are born as normal and healthy while many children are born with diseases?
  • And much more
A tiny cell, invisible to the naked eye, contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, each consisting of a string joining 4 chemicals which code everything in our lives. It controls our ability to work, our health & disease and even our blinking of eyes at every moment. It carries the inheritance from parent to offspring. Genetics is the branch of science which is concerned with chromosomes, genes, heredity, and variation in all living organisms. Genes are the manual of our body and give instructions to produce what we need at every moment. In this presentation, you will learn that you are living a life with a super complex mechanism inside a single cell of your body. A microscope will be available at the end of this presentation for the attendees to see some actual human cells.

Dr. Saiful Islam is currently a postdoctoral research scholar in the Department of Genetics at Stanford University. He graduated from Dhaka University and did his Doctorate in Sweden in 2013. Dr. Saiful has also taught Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at a public University in Bangladesh. He is the author of articles in several international world-leading journals in single cell Genetics. For his research in science, Dr. Saiful was invited to lecture at several leading universities including Harvard, Cambridge, and Caltech. Outside of academics, he was also involved in mosque-based activities in Stockholm. Dr. Saiful served as secretary of Bangladesh Central mosque in Sweden during 2009-2013. He was also involved in social activities in Bangladesh and Sweden, and is currently living in Palo Alto with his family.

Please join us for what is sure to be a most interesting and informative presentation.