Khatmul Qur’an Program
This Saturday, July 26, Commencing at 9:45 pm
Masjid al-Mustafa, 2345 Harris Way, San Jose
Alhamdulillah, we will be completing the Holy Quran under the recitation of Shaykh Issam Ahmed this coming Saturday. Here are a few key points regarding the program:
We are expecting a very large turnout. As it is the weekend, everyone is likely to come and leave around the same time. Accordingly, we ask that you please do not come solo, but rather carpool with at least one other person, if not several others.
We have made arrangements with our neighbors to use their parking lots. In addition to SBIA's lot and street parking, we can park in the Bentek, Tzu Chi, and Purity Park lots. See the map below for the locations of each of these.

The majority of SBIA's funds for its Operating budget is collected during the month of Ramadan. Our budget for 2014 is $500,000 and we are far below that figure. Therefore we ask that you donate generously for our new masjid, which has substantially increased its programs and services to serve our community
Our Agenda for the evening is as follows:
9:45 Adhan
10:00 Salat al-Isha
10:15 Speech by Imam Tahir and request for funds
11:00 Salat al-Taraweeh, followed by Du'a by Imam Tahir and Witr
Free babysitting available throughout the evening
We look forward to seeing you this Saturday at Masjid al-Mustafa, Insha-Allah!