FAJR6:25AM |
ASR4:15PM |
ISHA8:00PM |
Jumu'ah 112:15 PM |
The best days of the year are the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah. We hope and pray that we and our families were able to spend these days praising Allah (SWT) and seeking His blessing and forgiveness. May we all see the benefits of our prayers and honest longings reflected in our lives and in the lives of our children. Ameen.
By the Infinite Grace of Allah (swt), the construction project is continuing at a brisk pace.
Please continue to provide your moral and financial support as we strive to establish Allah’s house in the beautiful Evergreen area of San Jose, and pray to Allah (SWT) so that our dream soon becomes a reality, InshaAllah.
For online donation for the construction of the masjid, please visit http://www.sbia.info and select "Evergreen Construction" as the Type under "Donate to SBIA".
If you have any questions, concerns, suggestions or would like to be a volunteer on this project, please email us at egproject@sbia.info with your contact information.